Thursday, November 22, 2012

An Open Letter to Black Friday Shoppers

Dear Black Friday shoppers,

I just made my way back from a little adventure to my local art supply store to utilize a good coupon to buy some card supplies for the DeviantArt Holiday Card Project.  I usually don't do black friday shopping, but I was hoping to get a cheap deal since the project is for charity.  As I walked up to the checkout lane, I began to feel sorry for the workers who had gotten to work there at 4pm today, perhaps missing the best part of Thanksgiving day.  So once I had paid for my items and the cashier was handing me my receipt, I told him, "Thank you for working on Thanksgiving".  He seemed shocked that I would say this.

I work at a grocery store and today I had to work until 3 pm.  While I've been used to working every Thanksgiving, I've been fortunate enough to always be able to go home in the early evening to finish cooking dinner with my family and enjoy the evening.  But throughout my day, I hear a variety of comments on my "situation".  Usually they are thanks for working during that day, but occasionally, I get the "oh, yeah, you'll get off soon enough".  I'm not bitter or anything, but I miss the normal Thanksgiving traditions of waking up in the morning, watching the Macy's parade and helping bake pies and cook dinner while spending time with family.  I can't be thankful enough to have the evening free, but this year retail stores seem to want to open their doors early on Thanksgiving evening.

Tonight, retail workers have started earlier this evening to prepare their stores for the oncoming Black Friday.  Many of them did not get to choose the schedule that they work during the week and while they will smile and greet you kindly come early tomorrow morning and throughout the day, they may have time taken from their families on Thanksgiving in order to feed your need to get good deals on some nice material goods.  So when you go through the checkout lane tomorrow, after you've rushed and harassed your way to that special item, remember to thank your cashier, the associate who helped you find the cheap TV or gameset, the manager that opened his store on Friday evening to let shoppers in early.

Happy shopping,

P.S. - obviously this is directed to those whose full time jobs give them Thanksgiving and Black Friday off

P.P.S. - If you are offended by this letter, I'm sorry.  A little.

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