Sunday, September 16, 2012

Regarding Nightmares

I am known to have an astounding memory.  When they say people remember around 20% of your dream in the first five minutes of waking and even less after that.  Well, either I just have really long dreams or just a vivid memory but I tend to remember much if not almost all of the dreams I have right before I wake up in the morning.  Some of those dreams begin as pre-lucid dreams and finally in the later moments, I realize I'm dreaming and am able to control them/wake up from them.  Most of the time I consider the dreams I can remember a blessing and they've often been premonitions of what was coming in the future (which I may elaborate about in another post) but this morning I awoke 10 minutes before my alarm went off due to a significantly bad nightmare.

Since I hate divulging full contents of dreams, I shall modify the story a bit, mostly cause it involved some very real people in my life.  I can actually make a mostly true scenario using other people in my life technically.

Anyways, this dream began in far off dream land.  Like all dreamers, I can never pinpoint the start of the dream but the location of this dream changed quite a bit and assumes many things:

  • It involves two real friends of mine and several nameless projections of whom I don't know but are assumed to also be my friends
  • It takes place first inside a school setting, then leaving that school setting
  • Aside from my friends being real people, they didn't seem to maintain their traits, which is good, I suppose.
  • Also, let's assume this is high school.  Since it seemed like a one building deal.

The middle of the story, in which I start knowing the scene involves me and a known female friend.  We are chatting it up in a class about something or other and she mentions that she has asked this guy to go out with her.  In this story, though I know the guy in real life, in my dream, I seem to only be acquainted with him, but I seem to like him as well.  She then proceeds to tell me that he hasn't given her an answer yet, which made my dreamself a little hopeful, I think.

The day continues with me seeing said acquainted guy in another class (random).  Again, I don't remember how I ended up from point A above to point B, but I did.  He begins to tell me about how my previously mentioned female friend asked him out.  That's great.  My dreamself remains calm during this scene so I only distinctly remember him saying that he was thinking about saying "yes."  Cut to scene 3.

Scene 3 is finally the one where I consciously knew what was going on.  I proceed to leave the school setting to head for my car.  As soon as I get to my car, I spot the pair making out and suddenly I'm regretting not telling this guy I like him too.  I literally bolted out of my dream and I woke up crying.

Now this seems pathetic, but despite the content of the dream, it was rather relevant.  I also didn't like waking up sad and crying.  I felt rather pathetic right at the beginning of the day.  Do you ever have nightmares that feel physically and emotionally real that when you wake up you feel exactly like you did in the dream?  I absolutely hate when my semi-lucid dreams are nightmares.

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